My mind keeps repeating itself over and over.."this is really happening", "we're making this happen." I am just so incredibly thankful that Building Bridges has become what I set out for it to become. It has brought Randy's family closer together, it has brought awareness to an illness that reeks havoc on those that are diagnosed with it and their loved ones and it has brought complete strangers together for the same cause.
Okay, I know a lot of you are wondering how much money we've been able to raise to date. So I sat down tonight and tried to give you a pretty good look into where we're at so far. Here is how awesome you all are and how much help you all have been. As of March 14, 2013 at 9:25pm CST we have raised:
- T-SHIRTS - $526.00
- GIVE FORWARD - $490.00
- SILENT AUCTION - $295.00
- TOTAL - $1311.00
and if you are thinking that isn't a whole lot...that is without any of our fundraiser events and that is 90% of that being raised since this past Monday. We already have enough money raised to build the pier and beam for the house to sit on as well as lay the plywood floor! That is an amazing first step! I will be delivering lunches tomorrow morning and spending most of the rest of the day getting ready for our event on Saturday.
Also...I have big news for the crawfish boil. I got the approval from the core today that we are permitted to host the Crawfish Boil Fundraiser at Shirley Creek Marina in Etoile! That was truly a blessing because when I first talked to them about it, they told me that because we weren't a 501(3)c recognized non profit, it probably wouldn't happen. But whoever is the one to say yes or no to those things, must of been having a great day, because...they said YES! This all must be God's will, because it has not been very hard getting things to come together.
Good night all. I'll post more after the Brown Bag Lunch Event this weekend. See you there!
God truly works in amazing and mysterious ways!! Thank you for all your effort to help this wonderful father/daughter team!